An Overview of Projects, Passions, and Personality

My Top Skills

Grit and Determination
Critical Thinking and a Quick Learner
Multifaceted Experience
Excellent Digital, Artistic, and In-Person Presentation Skills
Excellent Leadership and Team Skills

Microsoft Office Suite
Design Modeling in SolidWorks, AutoCAD and Inventor.
Finite Element Analysis.
Research and Development
Programming Experience in Python, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, and HTML5

My Story

Since early childhood I have been a "tinkerer." When I was just 5 years old, my grandparents mentioned that their printer wasn't working, so I wandered into their office and dissassembled the printer. I found a jam and realigned the print heads, then put it back together. To everyone's astonishment, the printer worked! This trait continued to develop throughout my entire life.

During my childhood and adolescence, I excelled in school and took on hobbies like drawing, woodworking and costuming. I started playing trumpet in band in sixth grade and continued playing for 14 years.

I have always had a passion for music and the arts. I performed in musicals, I paint and draw, and I was even the lead trumpet player in the jazz band. But my true passion always lie in the hard sciences.

I spent some time out of school pursuing different careers in insurance claims analysis, photo restoration, and starting my own PC repair business, but I was left unfulfilled. Eventually, I heard about Mechanical Engineering and it was the answer I had been searching for!

I finally knew what I wanted to pursue, and with that goal in my heart I set back out to earn my degree!

...and I failed. Hard. (at first)

As it turns out, not taking a math course for many years and then jumping into Calculus for the first time ever isn't the greatest idea. But I didn't let that discourage me! Instead, I took the Spring semester off to reset and get my study skills to where they needed to be. I hopped onto MIT's "Open Courseware" and taught myself Calculus I and II.

I spent 8 hours a day, 6 days a week, going through lessons, taking notes, practicing, and learning; all the while working full-time as a server to pay my bills and work my way through college. That Summer, I signed up for Calculus I and II online, back-to-back, and I made B's in both!

Finally, I had the skills to go with my determination. From then on, I studied harder than I ever had and pushed through my Bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering, earning a 3.4 cumulative GPA and often scoring at the top of the class. I have been honored to lead multiple projects to success, and am extremely proud of all the work (at school and in the workforce) I have put in to earning this degree! I'm also proud that I managed to live on my own, pay my own bills, and graduate with minimal debt by finding a balance between school and work.

This motivation and determination has helped me to succeed, and my natural friendliness and wit have helped me to fit in to any team or group I've ever been a part of. From band in high school and college, to community theater, to engineering teams; I always bring a mixture of fun, friendliness, dedication, and motivation to every group!

Now, I use my skills to learn everything that I can, even learning to code in HTML5 for this very website! I'm always looking for the next project and the next challenge, so if you have one, send it my way and I will learn whatever skills are needed to get that project done!

What inspires me?

The Pale Blue Dot

by Carl Sagan


A TED Talk by Angela Duckworth

The Large Hadron Collider

Truly revolutionizing particle physics


Lockheed Martin Skunk Works

Falcon Heavy Booster Landing

SpaceX boosters landing safely on Earth

Boston Dynamics

Hardcore Parkour

My Hobbies


I love bushcraft and primitive camping.


I try to get out on the water as often as I can.


Getting into nature helps me to unwind.


I love seeing new places!


One of many fun creative outlets I have.
I love to sing and act!


From pictures to projects, I'll paint it all!


Having a musical outlet is mentally stimulating, and I gained so much as a person from my experience in band.


Cloth, fiberglass, plastic, or foam; I make my costumes from scratch. I made all pieces of both costumes pictured here.


I wouldn't be much of an engineer if I didn't love this!
I made this table from scratch and refurbished all of the chairs.

...More Building

Made these shelves from scratch as well.
Be it metal, wood, electronics, whatever; I love to build it all!


Not much better than enjoying a game with friends...


...even inside!

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